Tuesday 23 January 2007

January still

Welcome to another week in January 2007.

What is in store for the Nodpots this week? Who can tell?

Here in the world of news, views and idle gossip, a rumour has reached us that the first Disresponsible Nodpot meeting of the year was convened last Sunday night. It was a surprise occasion in an unexpected location, so we were unable to smuggle in a spy or bug the room to find out what was going on. Please give us more notice next time, Marvin!

However, the word on the street is that ALL nodpots attended it - another rarity! It will be interesting to find out what was agreed by the DNs. If you don't find out on this blog, keep an eye out on the "official" website - http://www.disresponsiblenodpots.com/

We have an exciting week ahead of us in DN land. Midweek will see the publication of a review of Leaf: In Search of Ramune by another surprise guest reviewer. The publication of this book played a large part in the awarding of DNOTY '06 to Mungo, the book's author.

On Friday, we will have an EXCLUSIVE interview with DNOTY '06 himself by our intrepid reporter Bee Gears.

As January draws to a close, we will update you all on the pledges and targets, fulfilled or otherwise, of the Nodpots - so keeping reading next week!


Anonymous said...

Wow DN reporter, sounds a really exciting week. I'll keep my eyes peeled to the blog! :D

Anonymous said...

You are great, DN Reporter!