Wednesday 7 February 2007

Interview with a former DNOTY

I managed to catch up with Inkpot during a fleeting visit of hers to Dublin, and seized the opportunity to interview for the Nodpots. It was a fine though cold day and she was recently back from an invigorating adventure in Marley Park with her dog Janna, and friends Gilbert and Tramp. However, she was very amiable and willingly answered the list of questions I had prepared earlier.

How long have you been writing for?

Well, a long time. Since I was a little child.

What got you interested in writing, and when?

I grew up in a very creative family, where literature was very important. Probably one of my first writing endeavours was The Blackrock Bosh – no (laughs) the Theotokos Times. Though possibly I wrote my H poem first. I know that the BB inspired me to start the TT. From there I was further encouraged in my writing pursuits by my sisters Valpot & Micpot, who often wrote stories with me.

So is the H poem the first known work of Inkpot?

Well. Pit the Pony is very old. The Bosh printed much of my early writing. I think I may have written letters saying how much I loved the BB, before I could write sense (Giggles)

Why did you persevere?

Why did I persevere? I enjoyed it so much. I enjoy creating worlds and writing about characters doing nasty things.

What is it you like about writing?

What do I like about writing? I like…(thinks deeply) making up stories and worlds which are governed by the rules and magic of my imagination.

You mean somewhere you can control things?


Who/what are the biggest influences on your writing?

Well, Michele described in detail The Lord of The Rings to me at a young age and reading the hobbit hundreds of times made me want to especially write fantasy. My love of horror blossomed at a very early age watching Vincent Price in the Waxworks.

Yet 7 Days in Hell is your first horror?

It is my first horror but I feel that even in my fantasy books, I’ve a lot of horror elements.

The shadow followers?

Yes, the shadow followers, and for those who have read the Bobbit, Verga and the creatures of the verg.

Favourite authors/genres? Obviously horror and fantasy?

And science fiction. Geri Valentine and Valinora Troy, of course, would be my favourite writers, and I have to mention Tolkien. Bram Stoker – Dracula is one of the best horror books ever written. More modern authors include - I really enjoy the works of Garth Nix and Dean Koontz, and while they are not in the genre, I mustn’t neglect to mention Jane Austen, Thomas Hardy, PG Wodehouse, and Charlotte Bronte.

Where do you get your ideas?

Many people have asked me that. Like all writers, I find it a very difficult question to answer, so I would refer you to the websites of Dean Koontz and Garth Nix, who have much wittier and more eloquent responses than I could ever give.

So you don't know? (Laughs) Only joking – very humble of you. What is the hardest thing about writing in your experience?

Getting published.

What do you like best about it?

What do I like best about writing? It’s just so much fun.

What advice would you give aspiring writers?

Em…keep aspiring.

Which is your works is your favourite and why?

The next book I’m going to write, because I haven’t written it yet.

And of those you have written?

I feel that it would be unfair of me to pick.

Unfair on whom?

It’s like asking a parent which is their favourite child.

What do you do for relaxation?

I find reading very relaxing.

Hopes and aspirations for the future?

To get published. Make a living from writing.

How did you feel about Mungo winning the DNOTY 2006?

I am very happy for Mungo and his achievement. However I am disappointed that my hat trick was taken from me.


No, still looking

Favourite writing moment?

When the words are flying and I get really lost in the world, and you don’t notice how much you’ve written and how many hours have passed.

That sounds delightful. Thank you very much for your time, Inkpot, and best of luck with getting published this year.

Thank you very much DN Reporter. It was lovely meeting you.

Pleasure all mine.


Bee Gears said...

Excellent interview, DN.

Anonymous said...

You're very inspiring, Inkpot!

Keep on writing!

We want more!