Monday 12 November 2007

Valpot Book Pledge 71 - 75

Here's the latest from Valpot:

71: The Wisdom of Fr. Brown by G.K.Chesterton
What can I say about this brilliant collection of short stories from the pen of a master? IT'S BRILLIANT!
Shines Like The Lucky Diamond

72. The Five Muses by Murphy, Murphy, Murphy, Murphy, Murphy, etc...
Excellent selection of short stories of various genres by an exciting mix of authors. Gems, every last one of them. Get your own copy (and the cover is fab!)
Shines Like The Lucky Diamond

73. The Kingdom of Animals by Various
I actually read this when it was published a few months ago but forgot to put it on the list. It's a collection of stories about the Kingdom of Animals NOT written by Mungo, though he provides sightful analysis of each tale. The winning entries of I Want To Be Like Mungo Competition are published in this wonderful collection.
Shines Like The Lucky Diamond

74. The Twelfth Card by Jeffrey Deaver
Deaver continues to entertain despite the increasingly contrived plots. The motive for this one is totally ridiculous, and it felt like there was a lot less of Lincoln and Amelia so it is not as good as earlier ones. Also I was not mad on the Happy Ending- it seemed awfully weak to me.
Curate's Egg

75. Priest (don't know the author)
Interviews/Biographies of ten holy priests who are making a difference in today's world. Different areas - from army chaplins to Siberia to American parishes. Very interesting and inspiring read.

1 comment:

Inkpot said...

Good to see your book up date Valpot, sounds like good books. Must try and boost my book count. :)