Thursday 1 February 2007

January targets- Sucess or Failure?

"Another month over - and what have you done?..."

Okay Nodpots. At the start of the month, you told us your objectives for January - how did you get on? Was it a successful month for you? Or did you slip far behind...?

Blueberry, how about you. Your target was to attend DN meetings - was there one and did you attend?

Blueberry: Yes, indeed I did. For the first time in many years, the DNs had a meeting in the house. I left early once the important business had been decided, and before anyone could fall asleep.

Well, congratulations anyway - looks like January was a great success for you.

Inkpot, how did it go for you? You had quite an ambitious month planned?

Inkpot: As I have reported on my own blog, I made several important discoveries that rendered some of my objectives obsolete. For instance, I had hoped to write 50k words on TTMF. Instead I made the much more important discovery of what was lacking in the story, why I was not happy with its progress, so although it means I have to rewrite it from the start, I 'm happy with my decision to do so.
Again, with TMOTW, having re-read it I now have a very clear idea of what is needed to be done with it. I'm looking forward to starting a new draft this month.

I'm happy to report that I completed and submitted both assignment 2 and 3 to the WB, and held two meetings on our joint books with Valpot.

Well that sounds quite positive. Well done, Inkpot.

Now, Marvin - how is the website going? You wanted to complete one page of it?

Marvin: Yes, I am quite pleased. I have done two complete pages, and have also changed my blog so that it works much better - it's now a blogger rather than a Yahoo one.

That's great, Marvin - well done!

Mungo, were you able to start Mango the Unlucky Monkey?

Mungo: Yes, my fantastic new novel is well under way. Naturally I completed my January objective brilliantly.

That's great news - I'm looking forward to reading it.

Mungo: You and everyone else in the world.

Indeed, yes. October, how is the mystery blog going?

October: My objective for January was to rest in advance of the mystery blog -

November. That's right - rest.

October: It's vital that prior to intense intellectual activity, you rest well. And we're happy to report that both of us did.

November: While resting, we did spend some time discussing our blog as well. We're pleased with how we spent January.

And when will we see your blog on the world wide web?

October (winks): Aahh!

November: Soon. This year. Sometime.

Okay, well congrats on your good rest. Hope it was as productive as you say.

Parsley, how are the subscriptions.

Parsley: All up to date, I'm glad to say.

Well done - I had understood that perhaps some Nodpots were behind with their subs, so it's good to hear that they are all up to date.

Sparkie, how was January for you? Any sign of the gavel?


Okay, sorry about that. I'm afraid Sparkie doesn't seem to be available to talk to me today. I can only assume that the gavel has not yet - materialised.

And finally, Valpot - what about you? Ahead of target, no doubt?

Valpot: I wish! I mean, well, January. It's such a short month. It flew past. And there so many other things going on...

Stop making excuses. Did you meet any of your targets?

Valpot: Of course! Really - what a question! Well, as Inkpot mentioned above, we held two successful meetings on our joint books - successful in that not only did we have the meetings, we made a lot of progress on Ely.
Regarding the other matters, I need to run over TLD one more time before I submit it for the editing service which I will do before the first week in Feb (ie next week).
I have not yet submitted Assignment 2 to CM because I'm trying to source an image of St Albert (waiting to hear back from an enquiry I sent out) but no doubt will hear soon. I have started Assignment 3 but not yet completed it. Nor have I thought about Assignment 4 (except that I can't wait to get to the fiction part of the course!)

So you've completed - 1 out of 5?

Valpot: You could say that. But I'm halfway or three quarters of the way through the others, so I feel I'm nearly at 100% completion of all targets.

Okay, well good luck with February!

We will bring you, dear readers, details on the Nodpot February targets in the near future.


Anonymous said...

It sounds like January was a pretty good month for the nodpots. Hope Feb goes as well.

Anonymous said...

October and November are the BEST nodpots ever!